Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How Technology affects my life

well, technology has affected my life in many ways. Technology has had a big impact on my life in more then one way . First and for most it has helped me with my school work . Instead of writing my papers by hand I can type them on the computer, which is really good because i have really bad handwriting.

Another way technology has affected my life, is in the form of music. When i first got my mp3 player, I thought " I will never use this" . But I was wrong. I use my mp3 player everyday, when i ride the bus to school, when i am studying, and when i just want to wind down.

I think that without technology the world would be lost. Nobody would be able to communicate with each other other then actual talking, people would have to go back to reading books EVERYDAY FOR FUN. The world depends on computers, if there were no computers where would we be today???